Jeff Lyle is an ass hole.

Jeff Lyle is an ass hole.
Brady Lake Village (BLV) cop Jeff Lyle aka Jeff Slapnicker likes to run his cop mouth and over-load his dumb ass.

Saturday, May 31, 2014

This- SCUM=Some Cops Use Mouth -blog site will be about cops like Jeff Lyle aka Jeff Slapnicker.

Brady Lake Village (BLV) has a cop named Jeff Lyle aka Jeff Slapnicker who seems to think people can't take pictures of cops,especially him. Jeff Lyle needs to wake up and put up with picture taking. To see more BLV blog sites click on the picture of the Mustang to the right of these comments. To see the blog that started it all try- CAMP=Caring About More People - To comment and be anonymous or not be anonymous click on comments below these comments.